Plants In The Office

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Once upon a time the ‘lean’ philosophy became influential across a wide range of organisational domains. Offices were stripped bare, some companies were even known to fix computer keyboards to desks and tape down staplers to ensure tidy lines of sight.
A lot of money was spent on these offices, they had very expensive desks, any signage was just to do with the company, and it was a beautifully sparse environment.

Well, look here, scientists have recently challenged the widely accepted business philosophy that a lean office with clean desks are more productive, questioning the widespread conviction that less is more, suggesting that sometimes less is just less.

The research states that offices devoid of pictures, souvenirs or any other distractions are “the most toxic space” you can put a human into, concluding that employees were more productive when “lean” workplaces are filled with just a few houseplants, showing that employees who actively engage with their surroundings tend to work better.

Psychologists found that introducing greenery to spartan workplaces led to a 15 per cent rise in output, with performances on memory retention and other basic tests improving substantially. Concluding that if you are working in an environment where there’s something to get you mentally engaged you are happier and work better.

Concentration and satisfaction increased and staff said the air quality had improved. This may be because foliage can absorb bad stuff from the air. While plants were chosen in the study, photographs, changes in light or even smell could be used to achieve a similar effect.

It goes without saying that a green working environment would be more enjoyable, conducive to concentration, and more productive for the business than a lean equivalent, so maybe investing in landscaping the office with plants could pay off through an increase in well being and productivity, not only for the employees, but also for the financial health of the organisation.

What varieties to choose?

Office Plants for Beginners

Some of the best plants for an office are those requiring little care. After all, not everyone has green fingers, so you should go for something that is easy to care for. Some good beginner plants include:

Pothos adapts well to a variety of office conditions, from low light levels to brighter ones. This easy-care plant is happy sitting on a desk, shelf or table.

Philodendrons, of which most are climbers, are great for adding height to small areas. These plants are easy to grow and suitable for a wide range of indoor conditions, including occasional neglect.

Spider plant is not only one of the coolest office plants with its small spiderettes hanging down, but it’s also one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. Stick it up high for all to admire.
Snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue makes a huge statement in the office. It has attractive sword-like leaves that grow somewhat tall, making it excellent for focal interest.

Cactus plants – When all else fails, try the trusty cactus in all its varieties.

Best Office Plants for Reducing Pollutants

Some of the best plants for an office are those that reduce air pollution. Good ideas include the following:

Rubber plants not only make an excellent addition to nearly any office décor, but they are well known for effectively removing indoor air pollutants.

Dracaena or corn plant, is another great choice for freshening up the atmosphere, and is easy to care for.

Peace lily is also known for cleaning up the air. It’s tolerant of low light and is a vigorous grower.

There are many other plants suitable for an office setting, check online for some other ideas. With the modern self watering containers that are available, they not only look stylish, but are assured with being supplied with just the right amount of water over a long period. It is also best to check on the feeding requirements of each particular plant.

Author: Brin


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